Help us achieve "One in Eight by '28"

Community support from individuals and business leaders is critical to reaching this goal. The Black Boardroom Initiative’s 2021 inaugural class included 23 Black executives in the C-Suite or reporting directly to the C-Suite, in a wide range of industries. The class graduated in November, 2021 and two public company board appointments have already been made.

Nominations are accepted year-round for the spring to fall program. Cohort selection occurs in the Spring. Each member of the cohort is selected for their readiness to serve on a corporate board informed by their skill sets and experience. The selection committee strives for a diverse balance of industries and experiences and considers a nominee’s ability to attend sessions in person, in Seattle or New York City, as a factor, as building professional relationships is a key element of the program.  There is no cost to participate.

Use the links below to share program candidates or mentors, speakers, board openings, or to learn about potential sponsorship opportunities.

Nominate a 2025 Program Participant Today! Nominations close on 2/15/25.


Share Board Openings

Seeking candidates for to a potential board opening? Connect to start the discussion.

By clicking send, the information you provide will be shared with initiative sponsors.

Sponsor, speak, engage

Community support and sponsorship is critical to our mission’s success. Interested in speaking to our cohort or learning about sponsorship opportunities? We’d love to hear from you!

By clicking send, the information you provide will be shared with initiative sponsors.